Monday 22 April 2013

Delmar College Students Volunteer with Kids Cancer Care

Established in 1950, Delmar College is one of the original hairstyling schools in Alberta and aspires to be among the best in the world. Delmar College provides leading edge post-secondary education for hairstylists and offers diploma programs in Esthetic Technician, Hair Design, Laser Technician and Nail Technician. The high success rate of Delmar’s graduates is a testament to the school’s popularity and solidified reputation in Alberta. Delmar College’s in-house salon also offers great prices on hair maintenance and styling as well as esthetic services. The in-house salon also offers lower than average prices for hair maintenance and styling products.

For several years, Delmar College has supported the Shave Your Lid for a Kid program by providing skilled student volunteer shavers at large school shave events. The talented students and staff of Delmar College bring an amazing level of enthusiasm to each event throughout the busy spring season.

In addition to their volunteer support, Delmar College provides complimentary shave and/or haircuts at their salon for individuals enrolled in the program and has also worked to provide the program with the highest quality products and accessories. On top of all that, earlier in the year Delmar Staff and Students hosted a bake sale raising funds for Kids Cancer Care!

Kids Cancer Care is very thankful for Delmar College’s continued support and recognizes them as a huge success factor in our Shave Your Lid for a Kid program. Thank you Delmar!

For more information on the Delmar College of Hair and Esthetics, please visit or call 403 264 8055. Delmar College is open Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm; 2nd floor, 1520 - 4th street, SW and is open 

Monday 8 April 2013

Shaving 101

How to Maintain a Freshly Shaved Head

Congratulations, you have decided to take the brave step of shaving your head! We bet that at some point you've found yourself thinking about how you’re going to keep your “new do” as fresh and maintained as possible! Whether you have decided to go completely bald or leave some peach fuzz, there are two important things you should be keeping in mind after your shave: moisturizer and sun protection.

                A shaved head increases sun exposure to your scalp. This increased exposure can leave your scalp feeling dry and flaky. To avoid this, moisturize daily! You are not required to buy a specific moisturizer for your scalp; just make sure that the one you use does not contain alcohol. It is even possible to use the same moisturizer that you use for your face.

Sun Protection:
                As we mentioned before, with a shaved head comes an increased amount of sun exposure. Just as you have to protect the rest of your body from UV rays, your delicate scalp is no different! If you have shaven it all off, we recommend applying SPF 30 sunscreen before heading out into the sun or wearing a hat. It is important to remember that the skin on your head is going to be incredibly sensitive due to lack of previous exposure.

How Long Before My Hair Grows Back?
The average person’s hair grows about a half an inch a month or 1.25 centimeters. Your hair may not grow over night but it will grow back at a steady rate! In the meantime, here are some reasons to enjoy your freshly shaved head:

1.       You don’t have to comb or style your hair
2.       Showers will take less time
3.       You’ll save money on shampoo and conditioner
4.       You’ll never have to worry about getting gum in your hair
5.       If you get caught in a rain or wind storm, your hair will still rock
And most importantly……
6.       You’ve raised awareness and funds to support families and youth affected by childhood cancer!