Wednesday 29 February 2012

Getting Cold Feet!

In this shave entry you will meet a girl who, like many who are about to shave their head, have many doubts and hesitations. It is no question that committing to lose your long blonde hair is tough; this why Kids Cancer Care feels so grateful for all the individuals who make the bold move to Shave their Lid for a Kid. This entry comes from the perspective of one of our very own shavees and honestly depicts the ups n' downs of shaving your head. This is her story....

The thought of cutting my hair for cancer first came to mind a year and a half ago when my friend’s grandmother was fighting cancer. In support of her (Sarah’s) grandma, she wanted to cut her hair. “I’ll do it with you,” were the first words that came out of my mouth when she told me what she was planning on doing. I honestly just wanted to be a supportive friend and thought it was the right thing to say, not evening imagining what it would be like to follow through with it. 

February came around, the time of the “Hair Massacure,” and Sarah and I had come up with way too many excuses not to do it at that particular time (AKA we chickened out). After letting the thought resonate, we decided to prepare our hair in order for us to cut and donate it the following February. Of course, February came around and we didn’t end up doing it. Although it was due to the fact that our hair wasn’t long enough, I’m sure we would have found other reasons why ‘later’ would be a better time. 

By April, I knew I really wanted to cut my hair and it was now not only to be the supportive friend I wanted to be. Along with the many people in my life who have battled cancer, KCC had a huge impact on my desire to do this. Finally, Sarah and I decided to cut our hair after the summer and raise money for specific foundations that we wanted to help. Being 20 years old and attached to my hair (that has never been shorter than my shoulders in the last 15 years), I underestimated how challenging this would be for me.

I didn’t do this for a simple haircut so I didn’t even think about what I was going to look like after. When it was finally cut, it took a couple hours for me to look in the mirror. Even though I originally hated what I looked like, I felt so great for actually doing it and making a small difference. It took me a while to get used to, but those around me made me feel good about myself.

I’m so glad I found a reason that made me want to do this because I don’t think I would have ever cut my hair or changed my hairstyle this drastically in my entire life. I now get to see what I look like with all hair lengths. I no longer have the issue of deciding what to do with my hair in the morning, because I come out of the shower and it’s done. Besides the fact that it feels a little chillier outside, it's so easy to maintain and I save at least half an hour in the morning.

Lastly, the biggest difference I’ve noticed is how refreshing it is to look so different than what I’m used to. It sounds weird but I feel brand new.

Meagan Diduck

Thursday 2 February 2012

Hair doesn’t matter as much as taking care of one another

Rae Lattery is part of the Kids Cancer Care Student Leadership Team and her entry to the shave blog provides a different perspective on what it means to Shave Your Lid for a Kid.  Not only does the fundraising from the shave program help fund essential Kids Cancer Care programming; but more importantly shows moral support for kids that don’t have the choice in losing their hair. This is Rae’s story…

My name is Rae Lattery and I am a cancer survivor. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with A.L.L Leukemia and my life was turned upside down. At first I was terrified, not knowing what will happen to me, hoping this was all a dream and that one day I’d wake up and everything would be normal. But it was real, it was very real. I spent the next couple months in the oncology clinic getting needles stuck into my hands, legs and arms, having different types of chemotherapy pumped into my body at a fast rate.

I began to lose weight, my energy, strength and all my hair. When I was allowed to come home for a couple days at a time I spent most of my day inside and resting. With my hair gone I didn’t even want to leave the house. Most of my confidence was gone as well. Granted I could rock a couple scarves, but I had no eyelashes or eyebrows and I was completely bald. When I would go out people would stare, kids would point and I felt like just disappearing so no one could see me. Some of the kids at school didn’t talk to me anymore and was afraid I’d be “contagious”, which didn’t help with my confidence. 

Before I was bald I had a lot of hair. I LOVED my hair. It not only helped with my confidence but I felt it distinguished me as a girl, and when I lost it… well you could only imagine. People would ask me if I was a boy or a girl, some people would call me “bud” or “he” or even “that guy” I never wanted to leave my house again. 

The Shave Your Lid For a Kid program is important to me because not only are people raising money and awareness for cancer but people are willing to give up their hair in the process. I think it definitely helps kids who have lost their hair to see other people willingly giving up theirs to raise money and to support.  I think it is important to get involved in school or any head shaving event because then you are supporting people with cancer and you are telling the world that hair doesn’t matter as much as taking care of one another.
